About GTI

About GTI

      GROW Training Institute, Inc. is an international coach training organization that grew out of GROW Publications which was founded in 1995 by Lyn Kelley, Ph.D. GROW’s Certified Professional Coach Program was founded in 2000 based on customer demand. Our program was originally designed specifically for licensed or certified mental health professionals, and has since added a human services component for unlicensed human service professionals. Some of the organizations that have accredited GROW to offer continuing education are:

• CCE – Center for Credentialing & Education for BCC (Board Certified Coaches and National Certified Counselors)

• Most State Boards for Mental Health Professionals (LMFT's, LPC's, LCSW's, LMHC's)

        Certified Professional Coach Certification is a natural evolution of the coach training programs developed and offered by GTI. Course feedback data from GTI workshops and GTI market surveys consistently indicate a critical and growing need for a uniform national credential to identify and define coach/therapists. While there are dozens of other coach training programs throughout the U.S. open to anyone regardless of background or education, GTI’s CPC program is the easiest, fastest, least expensive, and most comprehensive program we’ve found.  Total fees are about $994.

        GTI has been offering continuing education courses on coaching since 1995, each year increasing the number of seminars held nationwide. As demand for coach training increases each year, GTI increases the number of programs it offers. As of this date GROW has completed over 300 seminar tours throughout the U.S. and abroad.
Board Certified Coach:
 GTI is now approved as a Coach Training Provider by the CCE (Center for Credentialing and Education) BCC (Board Certified Coach) Program (30 or 60 hour program). Once you have been certified as a coach by GTI, you can apply to become a BCC for a nominal fee and passing their exam. The BCC requires 70 C.E. contact hours every 5 years, and we are constantly creating new C.E. courses for this purpose. For more information on the BCC program:  
Board Certified Coach Info

GTI Mission

          The mission of GROW Training Institute is to provide high quality continuing education to mental health, medical, and human services professionals to increase their practice growth and success. The mission of GTI’s Certified Professional Coach Program is to establish and support a national credential that defines and identifies therapists as professional coaches, valid across all health disciplines and universally accepted and recognized as a useful measure of experience and expertise in professional coaching.


CPC Prerequisites and Requirements

  • Minimum of a Bachelors level degree from an accredited college OR a minimum of 5 years work experience in the human services professions (any profession where the emphasis is on service to people)
  • Successful Completion of 5 Required GROW Home Study Courses: 1. “How to Become a Personal Coach” home study program 10 hours.  2.   "How to Motivate Your Clients to Change" home study program 10 hours. 3. “How to Become a Corporate Coach” home study program 10 hours. 4. “How to Become a Virtual Coach” 10 hours. 5. “Ethical Considerations for Coaches” home study program 10 hours.  Plus, when you purchase all 5 courses together, we give you FREE “Online Marketing for Non-Techies” home study program 10 hours (optional). Current price for the 5-course package is $527 for mailed courses ($477 for emailed courses). 
  • Documentation of providing coaching 6 hours
  • Documentation of receiving coaching from any qualified coach* 3 hours
  • Essay about your experience with coaching 1 hour
  • Adherence to International Coach Federation’s Professional Ethical Standards
  • Adherence to your state board’s Ethical Standards (if applicable)
  • One 15 minute phone consult/evaluation with a GROW faculty member/CPC 1/4 hour
  • Approved Certified Professional Coach Application and Contract
  • Payment of $497 application fee (subject to change periodically) 

Total: 60 hours

Step-by-step process:

1. Purchase the 5 required home study courses (currently $527) HERE
2. Meanwhile, document your 6 hours of PROVIDING coaching (any time within the past 2 years) and 3 hours of RECEIVING coaching (any time within the past 2 years). 
3. Email us your one page essay (why you want to become a CPC and where you plan to take your coaching career). 
4. Send us your application and fee (currently $497).  You can pay the fee HERE.
5. Have 15 - 20 minute phone chat with GROW to finalize.
         If faculty finds any deficits, we will provide you with information to remedy these areas. Once your requirements and application are completed and approved, you will receive your “Certified Professional Coach” Certificate within approximately one week. Certification is valid for 1 year from the date posted on the certificate. Every year there will be a re-application agreement and a nominal re-certification fee, however, unless there are new government regulations, there will not be any further training necessary. Enclosed is an application to become a GTI Certified Professional Coach. Thank you for putting your trust in GROW’s programs. We look forward to a mutually beneficial and successful relationship with you.
          Questions?  Email me at growpublications@yahoo.com


Lyn Kelley, Ph.D., MFT, CPC
 GROW Founder and Continuing Education Director

*A “qualified coach” is any professional who you feel has the training/experience to coach you with your particular goals.  See a full listing of GROW CPC's HERE.

Instructions and Fees

Instructions for Becoming a GROW CPC

1. Read our full application and “most frequently asked questions.” Click on “Become a Certified Professional Coach.”

2. Purchase the 5 required courses (listed above). If you purchase all 5 together you get a significant discount. Order online HERE or call or email us for current special package price $527 for mailed courses, or $477 for emailed courses.

3. Start providing coaching to anyone you wish (or within the last 2 years). You need a total of 6 hours. You will not need to give us their names, just document the dates, times and venue on your application (last 2 pages are the documentation pages).

4. Start receiving coaching from any coach(s) you wish (or within the last 2 years). You need a total of 3 hours. If you would like to be coached a GROW CPC, you can find all of their names, bios, info on www.FindCoachesOnline.com. Your coach(s) does not need to be certified. Lyn Kelley can provide your all coaching for you if you join GPCCA (GROW Professional Coach and Counselor Association) for $597 for a six month membership. Click HERE for details.

5. Complete your 5 required courses and submit your quizzes to GROW.

6. Email us a short one to two page essay on why you decided to become a coach, your experience with coaching thus far, and where you want to take your coaching career.

7.  Complete your CPC application and email or mail it to us with the fee, or pay online HERE. Currently the fee is $497. You do not need to pay this until your application is complete.

8. When we receive your application we will call you for a short 10 – 15 minute phone consult to review your application, essay, and answer any questions you may have. You will then officially be a Certified Professional Coach!

9. We will mail you your CPC Certificate, which is valid for 1 year. You can renew it every year (renewal fee is currently $85) but you won’t need to take any additional coursework unless your State starts to require it. Currently there are no U.S. States that have regulated the coaching profession, but we will let you know if/when they do, and do everything we can to help you get “grandfathered” in.

Entire Cost  = ~$874~

Decide NOW to revive your career and increase your income. Coaching is the BEST way for helping professionals to stay viable in the next decade.

“Nothin’ to it but to do it!”

GROW Training Institute's CPC Application

GROW Training Institute's Certified Professional Coach Program

January 1, 2024

Dear Colleague:
     GROW Training Institute (GTI) is proud to present its Certification Program for becoming a Certified Professional Coach (CPC)! We created this program in 2000 in response to demand from our seminar participants. Eligibility requires either a B.A. or at least 5 years of work experience in the human services professions. 100% of the requirements can be obtained through home study. It can be completed in as little as 3 weeks, or you may take as long as you wish.

        GROW is an approved Coach Training Organization for the CCE’s Board Certified Coach Program. Once you are a CPC through GROW, you can apply to become a BCC if you wish (contact us for details). Our courses are approved by most state and national continuing education boards as well. Our program is the fastest, easiest, and least expensive coach certification program we have found. It will provide you with the training and skills for your competency and success as a professional coach. Certification is not required to do coaching; however, competency is. Certification will give you competency, additional credibility, and demonstrate that you have received advanced training in this specialized market niche. You will be prepared to perform personal, career, business, executive, online, and/or virtual coaching.

GROW Training Institute’s Certified Professional Coach Application

Directions: Please complete this application in its entirety and include all documentation required in your submission. The normal processing time, provided all materials are included with the application is one week. Please keep a copy of this application and all documentation submitted for your records.

 Applicant Information

Date of Application:


Academic Credentials: Licensure/Certification Type (if applicable):

State License/Certification Number:

Mailing Address:




Educational Experience:

Date Graduated College Degree Earned:


Professional/Career Experience (non-coaching):


Job Title:

Professional Coaching/Consulting and Human Services Experience:


Job Title: 

Statement of Agreement and Compliance:

      I, _________________________acknowledge and subscribe to the following GROW philosophy, standards, and definition of coaching: Definition of Coaching: Professional coaching is an ongoing partnership between a client and a coach that assists the client in goal achievement, resulting in a higher level of production, fulfillment and satisfaction in the client’s personal and/or professional life. It is the duty of the coach to provide a thorough assessment of each client to determine the appropriateness of coaching, the healthiness of the client’s goals, as well as whether or not the coach/client relationship is a good match. While coaching often entails the use of psychological techniques, it is NOT psychotherapy. The coach makes clear the definition of coaching and the difference between coaching and psychotherapy in the “Informed Consent.” The coach does not make promises about what he/she can do for the client or what the client can achieve. The coach’s main responsibilities are to: 1. Discover, clarify, and align with the client’s goals 2. Encourage client self-discovery 3. Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies 4. Provide structure 5. Provide support, encouragement and validation 6. Hold the client responsible and accountable

Pledge of Ethics:

          As a professional coach, I acknowledge and honor my ethical obligations to clients and colleagues. I pledge to conduct myself responsibly with the highest degree of integrity and accountability. I strive to do no harm to myself, to those I serve or to the coaching profession. I agree to honor my ethical/legal obligations to my state regulatory board from which I have been licensed/registered/certified. I also agree to honor my ethical obligations to any professional associations to which I belong. I agree that if I am state board licensed/registered/certified, and this is revoked, suspended or expired, I will contact GTI to let them know. Once I have earned my certification, it is up to me to continue to abide by the principles, ethics and laws set forth in GTI’s Certified Professional Coach Program, as well as those from my state board and professional associations, if applicable. GTI does not assume responsibility for any breeches of ethics or any legal/liability issues I may incur, nor does GROW represent me in any legal/ethical action.

Standards of Conduct by International Coach Federation (ICF):

          I, ______________________ agree to honor the following standards of conduct set forth by the ICF:


By these specific Standards of Conduct, ICF defines the minimum actions that are accepted by the ICF for professional coaching. Society rightfully demands that professional coaches be as competent as the coach claims, act at or above that level of competence, and act ethically in all relationships. These specific Standards of Conduct codify the response of the ICF to those rightful demands. These do not construe denial of the existence of other ethical or legal obligations equally imperative, although not specifically mentioned. Standards of Conduct: 1) I will conduct myself in a manner that reflects positively upon the coaching profession and I will refrain from engaging in conduct or making statements that may negatively impact the public's understanding or acceptance of coaching as a profession. 2) I will not knowingly make any public statements that are untrue or misleading, or make false claims in any written documents relating to the coaching profession. 3) I will respect different approaches to coaching. I will honor the efforts and contributions of others and not misrepresent them as my own. 4) I will be aware of any issues that may potentially lead to the misuse of my influence by recognizing the nature of coaching and the way in which it may affect the lives of others. 5) I will at all times strive to recognize personal issues that may impair conflict or interfere with my coaching performance or my professional relationships. Whenever the facts and circumstances necessitate, I will promptly seek professional assistance and determine the action to be taken, including whether it is appropriate to suspend or terminate my coaching relationship(s). 6) As a trainer or supervisor of current and potential coaches, I will conduct myself in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics in all training and supervisory situations. 7) I will conduct and report research with competence, honesty and within recognized scientific standards. My research will be carried out with the necessary approval or consent from those involved, and with an approach that will reasonably protect participants from any potential harm. All research efforts will be performed in a manner that complies with the laws of the country in which the research is conducted. 8) I will accurately create, maintain, store and dispose of any records of work done in relation to the practice of coaching in a way that promotes confidentiality and complies with any applicable laws. 9) I will use ICF member contact information (email addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) only in the manner and to the extent authorized by the ICF. 10) I will be responsible for setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern any physical contact that I may have with my clients. 11) I will not become sexually involved with any of my clients. 12) I will construct clear agreements with my clients, and will honor all agreements made in the context of professional coaching relationships. 13) I will ensure that, prior to or at the initial session, my coaching client understands the nature of coaching, the bounds of confidentiality, financial arrangements and other terms of the coaching agreement. 14) I will accurately identify my qualifications, expertise and experience as a coach. 15) I will not intentionally mislead or make false claims about what my client will receive from the coaching process or from me as their coach. 16) I will not give my clients or prospective client’s information or advice I know or believe to be misleading. 17) I will not knowingly exploit any aspect of the coach-client relationship for my personal, professional or monetary advantage or benefit. 18) I will respect the client’s right to terminate coaching at any point during the process. I will be alert to indications that the client is no longer benefiting from our coaching relationship. 19) If I believe the client would be better served by another coach, or by another resource, I will encourage the client to make a change. 20) I will suggest that my clients seek the services of other professionals when deemed appropriate or necessary. 21) I will take all reasonable steps to notify the appropriate authorities in the event a client discloses an intention to endanger self or others. 22) I will respect the confidentiality of my client's information, except as otherwise authorized by my client, or as required by law. 23) I will obtain agreement from my clients before releasing their names as clients or references, or any other client identifying information. 24) I will obtain agreement from the person being coached before releasing information to another person compensating me. 25) I will seek to avoid conflicts between my interests and the interests of my clients. 26) Whenever any actual conflict of interest or the potential for a conflict of interest arises, I will openly disclose it and fully discuss with my client how to deal with it in whatever way best serves my client. 27) I will disclose to my client all anticipated compensation from third parties that I may receive for referrals of that client.

Agreement to abide with the decision/recommendations of the GTI Application Review Committee:

My signature below attests that I understand and agree and/or certify: 1. That as the applicant, it is my responsibility to truthfully communicate and validate my qualifications to clearly show that I meet or exceed each of the requirements for certification. 2. That I give GTI permission to verify my documented experience/education/training stated in this application, except where I have specified that information must remain confidential. 3. That GTI’s staff and Application Review Committee will keep all information I have stated in my application confidential. 4. That I release any individual named in my application from any previous bond of confidentiality, whether explicit or implied, for the purpose of validating my qualifications for the GTI certification. 5. That GTI has taken purposeful action to ensure that my application will receive a fair and unbiased evaluation. 6. That GTI will inform me of any deficits in my application, and recommend remediation actions I can take so that I may qualify for certification. 7. That I will honor the rules and regulations of GTI’s certification process, and agree to abide by any decision of GTI regarding matters of certification. That there are no refunds for the application fee unless my application is denied, in which case my application fee (less $150 processing fee) will be refunded to me. 8. That I will operate within the ICF Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct as outlined above. 9. That I have had no adverse legal actions taken or pending against me as a coach or my coaching business. 10. That I release GTI from any liability or responsibility in my coaching activities. 11. That GTI’s CPC Certification does not necessarily meet the requirements for any other coaching certification or regulatory board, including the ICF. 12. That I have one year from the date of this letter to complete the application process, after which time I need to request a new application, as regulations and fees are subject to change. 13. That once certified by GTI I will complete a renewal agreement every year and pay a nominal renewal fee (currently $85) by my expiration date (plus $50 late fee if late). 14. That my renewal fee will be set up on auto-pay, and it will automatically be charged on my renewal date with the credit/debit card I have provided. If this card expires or is cancelled, I will immediately provide GROW with a new card number. 15. That if I have not paid my renewal fee within 30 days after my expiration date I will no longer be certified, therefore I will cease and desist from using CPC on any and all of my advertising, bios, and other professional documents. 16. That I will notify GTI if I have any changes in name, address, phone, e-mail, website or other info.

__________________________________          ______________

Agreement to allow GROW to advertise your name as a GROW CPC to the general public:

I give my permission to GTI to publish and advertise the following information on its website area “Find a Coach” and to individuals who contact GROW asking for coach referrals:

Check if ok to publish on GTI’s website under “Find a Coach” (www.FindCoachesOnline.com):

Name ____City/State _____E-mail address_____
Phone number_____    

Specialty areas:

Mission Statement:

Website ______

Offer, i.e., free initial 30-minute phone consult:



Application fee in USD:

_____$497 I have enclosed a check made out to “GROW”

_____Please charge my credit card for $497

_____Visa _____Mastercard _____Discover

Credit Card Number:

Expiration Date:

Billing Address:

3-Digit Code on back of card:


***A credit/debit card is required for auto-pay renewal each year. Inclusions: Please include only the following requested documents. Any additional documents you send will be discarded. 1. Signed and dated Application and Statement of Agreement and Compliance 2. Copy of current license/registration/certification from your state regulatory board (if applicable) 3. Copy of highest college graduate degree earned (if applicable) 4. Copies of 5 “Certificates of Completion” for GROW home study programs 5. Documentation of 6 hours of coaching experience within the past year (client names may be omitted for confidentiality)  6. Documentation of 3 hours of receiving coaching. 7. 1 - 2 page essay about your coaching experience as a coach (including providing coaching, receiving coaching, and your coaching plans for the future) 8. Application fee of $497.

Upon receipt of the above, GTI will contact you within one week to inform you of your status, any deficits, or any additional documentation needed. Once your application is approved, a GTI-CPC staff member will contact you to set up your 10-15 minute phone consult/evaluation (no additional charge). GTI will then mail you your CPC Certificate.



(Applicant as Coach) 
Complete this form to document 6 hours of your coaching experience. To protect your clients’ confidentiality, assign them a number rather than provide their name. Copy this form as many times as needed.

Client Name or Number


# Hours

Setting (face-to-face, phone, e-mail, Internet)

I testify that I actually performed the above coaching services myself:

Print your name:




(Applicant as Coachee/Client)

Complete this form to document 3 hours of your own personal receipt of coaching. Copy this form if necessary. Complete one form for each coach. A “qualified coach” is any person who you feel has the training/experience to coach you with your goals.  Has been completed during the past 2 years.


# Hours

Setting (face-to-face, phone, e-mail, Internet)

Print Coach’s name:


Print your name:

Applicant’s Signature:


To Pay Your Application Fee
2 Ways to Pay:

1.  Email your application with credit/debit card info to growpublications@yahoo.com 
2.  Pay online with PayPal HERE: